Current Issue

Volume: 26 Issue: 1, 5/30/24

Year: 2024

Research Article

Dokuz Eylül University Law Review has the status of "Peer-Reviewed Journal" scanned by ULAKBİM since 2009. It is published twice a year (May, November). Our journal is also indexed in TR-Dizin, HeinOnline and Asos Index databases.
Dokuz Eylül University Law Review evaluates articles within the scope of double-blind referee application.

For Articles published before 2002 :

Dokuz Eylül University Law Review have started accepting articles for our (May 2024/1) issue.

Articles (without name) should be uploaded as word and PDF. When uploading your work, you are kindly requested to comply with the updated Publication Policies.
Article submission address: Send Article

Author Guidelines Dokuz Eylül University Law Review
Publication Principles

1. Dokuz Eylül University Law Review has the status of "Peer-Reviewed Journal" scanned by ULAKBİM and is published twice a year (May, November). Our journal is also indexed in TR-Dizin, DergiPark, HeinOnline and Asos Index databases.
2. Together with the articles to be subject to peer review; The Plagiarism Program, Copyright Transfer Form, and the document stating that the necessary approvals have been obtained in accordance with the FSEK and the necessary legislation for translations must be uploaded to DergiPark.
3. Manuscripts submitted to the journal should not have been published elsewhere or sent for publication. The fact that the article has been sent to our journal means the commitment of the author in this regard.
4. Authors should provide their titles, ORCID number (Scientific Researcher Identification Number) taken from the address, institutions they work for, communication addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. This information should be uploaded in a separate file from the article file.
5. All studies to be sent for publication (except translation) must be attached to the plagiarism program. The acceptable similarity rate is a maximum of 15%, excluding footnotes, citations and bibliography. Deficiencies detected during the preliminary examination phase are reported to the author. If a violation of the publication principles is detected in the articles submitted for the second time after the correction, the article is rejected.
In addition, the following sentence should be added to the first footnote in the articles. "The author undertakes that his work complies with the scientific ethical principles of our Journal."
6. In line with the criteria of ULAKBİM/HeinOnline, scientific articles in our journal are classified according to their types as research articles, translations, decision reviews and other studies (reviews, etc.). The author should state his/her opinion on the quality of the study (research article, decision review, translation and other studies (review, etc.)) under the title of the study. The quality of the incoming articles is evaluated by the referees. If the referees disagree about the type of article, the decision of the editorial board is taken as basis.
7. Translations in the original language must also be sent. In addition, in translations, the translating author must have obtained written permission from the right holders on the original work in accordance with the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works and this must be stated in a footnote to be added to the translation title.
8. Although the written language of our journal is mainly Turkish, the journal also includes articles in English, German and French.
9. In the articles sent to the journal, the title of the article, an abstract consisting of at least 100 and a maximum of 200 words, and 5 keywords should be specified in both English and Turkish. For articles written in a foreign language, an abstract in the language in which the article is written and in Turkish should be added.
10. Manuscripts to be sent should be prepared in Times New Roman character, 1.5 line spacing of the main text and 12 points, footnotes should be 10 points (single line spacing), margins and bottom-top margins should be 2.5 cm and should not exceed 50 pages (maximum 30 pages for translations) (including references).

11. Headings in the text should be numbered and shown as follows:


A. Bold and Only First Letters Are Capitalized

1. Bold and Only Initials Are Capitalized

a. Bold and only the first letter is capitalized

aa. Bold and only the first letter is capitalized

aaa. Bold and only the first letter is capitalized

12. Citations are shown as footnotes at the bottom of the page. At the end of the article, there should be a bibliography in which the sources used in the article are listed according to the surnames of the authors.

13. The works in the Footnotes and Bibliography must be shown as follows:Books: Author's Surname (Bold), Name: Name of the Work, Number of Editions, Publisher, Place and Year of Publication, Page Number

Edis, Seyfullah: Medeni Hukuka Giriş ve Başlangıç Hükümleri, Sevinç Matbaası, Ankara 1993.

In references to more than one work of the same author, the title of the work should be stated in the form of abbreviations in footnotes and bibliography.

Edis, Seyfullah: Türk-İsviçre Borçlar Hukuku Sistemine Göre Akdin Lüzumlu Vasıflarında Hata, Sevinç Matbaası, Ankara 1973, (Hata).

- In references to works with more than one author, all authors should be cited as Surname, First Name/Surname, First Name, and no abbreviation should be made as "et al., and others"

Zevkliler, Aydın/Gökyayla, K. Emre: Borçlar Hukuku - Özel Borç İlişkileri, 17. Baskı, Turhan Yayınevi, Ankara 2017, s. 192.

In the following footnotes, the author's surname should be cited as p. (page number). Ayiter, s. 79; Edis, s. 107.

- If the translation books are cited, the translator should be abbreviated as trans. : von Tuhr, Andreas (çev. Cevat Edege); Borçlar Hukukunun Umumi Kısmı, Ankara 1983, s. 998.

- Articles: Author's Surname (Bold), Name: Name of the Article (in quotation marks), Name of the Journal, Volume, Issue, Year, Page Number (The page range of the article should be specified in the bibliography). Öztürk, Bahri: “CMUK Reformu ve Delil Yasakları”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 4, Sayı 1-2, 1994, s. 39-49.

Court Decisions: Abbreviation of the name of the Court, Chamber, Date of Decision, Basis number/Decision number (Place of Publication of the Decision and Date of Access):

Yarg. 5. HD., T. 6.10.2011E. 2011/7613, K. 2011/15694, (Kazancı İçtihat Bilgi Bankası, Erişim Tarihi: 1.1.2021)

In electronic resources, the address and date of access must also be indicated.

14. The first evaluation of the articles will be made by the Editorial Board, and it is sufficient for the article to be rejected by the Editorial Board if the spelling mistakes are out of the ordinary, there is a clear violation of the publication/ethical principles, the scientific criteria are not complied with, the journal is below the publication quality and standard, and the corrections suggested by the referees are not made within 20 days.

15. In the first evaluation to be made, the articles that are decided to be sent to the referee will be sent to two referees whose names are kept confidential according to the criteria (ULAKBİM), it will be decided to publish the article in line with the report from the referees, to request corrections from the author within the framework of the report or to reject the article, and the author will be informed of the situation as soon as possible.

16. If one of the reports from the referees is negative and the other is positive, a third peer review will be conducted. If the referee reports are negative, the article will not be published. If corrections are requested in the referee report, changes will be made by the author only within the framework of the specified corrections and within 20 days at the latest. If corrections are not made within the specified time, the editorial board reserves the discretion to reject the article.

17. If any of the referees expresses an opinion that there is a violation of scientific research and publication ethics in the submitted article, the author will be informed that the article is not deemed suitable for publication in the Dokuz Eylül University Law Review The Editorial Board reserves the discretion not to publish the work, provided that the reason is notified to the author, if any other situation that prevents the publication of the work is detected, despite the referee review.

18. Withdrawal of manuscripts submitted to the journal is possible until the referee process is completed.

19. The final form of the articles that have been reviewed by the referees and decided to be published and/or corrected and published must be saved in Microsoft Word software format (*.doc, *.docx) and the file must be uploaded to the system.

20. It is accepted that the final checks of the submitted articles have been made in terms of spelling, and that the author has given them to "print" as sent in written or electronic media.

21. If the manuscripts are accepted for publication, Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Law has all publishing rights, including publishing them electronically in full text (in any format). Authors are deemed to have transferred their copyrights to the Faculty.

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
As stated in the Publication Principles of DEU Faculty of Law; The plagiarism program printout must be attached to all studies (except translation) to be sent for publication. The acceptable similarity rate is a maximum of 15%, excluding footnotes, citations and bibliography. You can evaluate your article through the program. Click here for more information about the program.
In addition, the following sentence should be added to the first footnote in the articles. "The author undertakes that his work complies with the scientific ethical principles of our Journal."

As stated in the Copyright Transfer Form, the authors:
a) The submitted article is the work of the author(s) and there is no plagiarism in the article,

b) All authors have participated in this study individually and take all responsibility for this study,

c) All authors have seen and approved the final version of the submitted article,

d) The article has not been published elsewhere or submitted for publication,

e) They undertake that the text, figures and documents in the article do not violate the Copyrights of other parties.

f) Articles can be reproduced and circulated by citing the source, no fee is charged and they are only open to non-commercial use.

There is no fee for article publication and execution of article processes in Dokuz Eylül University Law Review, and no fee is charged for the articles submitted to the journal.

Dokuz Eylül University Law Review
is indexed and abstracted by

TR-DİZİN, DergiPark, HeinOnline, Academindex,  Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory and Asos Index 

The Dokuz Eylul Law Review will be published only online starting from the May 2024 issue.

Dokuz Eylul University Publishing House Web Page

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